oskardudycz/GoldenEye - The CQRS flavoured framework that will speed up your WebAPI and Microservices development
Shriek-Projects/shriek-fx - An easy-to-use rapid development framework developed on the basis of.NET Core 2.0, following the constraints of domain Driven Design (DDD) specifications, combined with the CQRS architecture to provide the infrastructure for event-driven, event backtracking, responsiveness, and more. Let developers enjoy the true meaning of object-oriented
sample-dotnet-core-cqrs-api - Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.
run-aspnetcore-cqrs - Real world Enterprise CRM application example of ASP.NET Core + Angular web application. Implemented CQRS Design Pattern for ASP.NET Core + Angular reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with DDD
CQRS - A simple project to explain CQRS during a live coding session at MS experiences‘16
ChristDDD - π ASP.NET Core 3.1 εΊη¨, ε ε« DDDγCQRSγEDA ε ES δΊδ»ΆεζΊ―
Reddnet - A mini Reddit written in ASP.NET Core 5.0
grandnode/grandnode - Free and Open Source Ecommerce Shopping Cart solution based on ASP.NET CORE and MongoDB
baratgabor/MyWarehouse - Clean Architecture and Domain Driven Design sample project based on C# 9 / .NET 5 / ASP.NET Core 5 / EF Core 5 & Angular 11 with Bootstrap.
keremvaris/Sennedjem - Sennedjem is a software development infrastructure that adopts the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) approach and focuses on SOLID principles and Clean Architecture methods. RabbitMq is very skilled in integrating with ElasticSearch etc tools.
grandnode/grandnode2 - Open source, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, Vue.js.
ddd-by-examples/all-things-cqrs - Comprehensive guide to a couple of possible ways of synchronizing two states with Spring tools. Synchronization is shown by separating command and queries in a simple CQRS application.
dimatrubca/book-exchange-app - BookExchangeApp is a fully functioning application that allows users to exchange books, earn and buy points, and receive recomendations based on the rated books
DijanaPenic/DDD-VShop - VShop is a sample .NET 6 application built as Modular Monolith with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach. Each module is an independent vertical slice with its custom architecture.
m-jovanovic/event-reminder - .NET Core Web API for seamless event organization with configurable notification systems.
schananas/reactive-stock-market - This project takes you through the design of simple stock market application based on custom reactive CQRS framework
AntonioFalcaoJr/EDA.CleanArch.DDD.CQRS.EventSourcing - The main objective of this cloud-native project is to represent the state of the art of a distributed, reliable, and highly scalable system by interpreting the most relevant principles of Reactive Domain Driven Design.
bitloops/ddd-hexagonal-cqrs-es-eda - Complete working example of using Domain Driven Design (DDD), Hexagonal Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing (ES), Event Driven Architecture (EDA), Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using TypeScript and NestJS
matt-bentley/CleanArchitecture - An opinionated ASP.NET Core solution setup for creating web applications using Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design principles.
event-driven-dotnet/EventDriven.ReferenceArchitecture β - Reference architecture for using EventDriven abstractions and libraries for Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA).